How does the HIPAA on Call Compliance Program Support System work?
HOC is compliance program guidance and coaching delivered in "laser focused" 15-minute sessions. Most compliance responsibilities at smaller organizations are assigned to someone who already has many things to do. They may occasionally address some part of the program but usually only as needed. Most organizations which need to be in compliance, are not - not completely.
Seriously, 15 minutes every few days is not an unreasonable amount of time to dedicate to a regulatory requirement. The HOC program is designed that each 15-minute session makes some meaningful progress toward compliance.
That's it. This system works because everything is broken down into easy to manage (byte sized) sections. And, someone at a high-level is doing everything possible to keep you on track and ensure your success.
Seriously, 15 minutes every few days is not an unreasonable amount of time to dedicate to a regulatory requirement. The HOC program is designed that each 15-minute session makes some meaningful progress toward compliance.
.Your membership gets you one-year of unlimited "laser focused" advisory / coaching sessions.
An Easily Manageable System
The first session, the introductory session, will be 30 minutes. During this session we will
- get to know each other well enough to work together effectively
- we will discuss how a full program looks like and address questions or concerns
- we will identify any immediate goals and the steps you’ll need to take to achieve them
- we will identify obstacles which may get in the way so we can create a plan to overcome them and aim for success
- At this point you will have a friend that's "a HIPAA guy" which you can have unlimited advisory sessions with. You've also will have already made progress on your compliance program as you will have a "road map" showing how to get to full compliance.
- review your progress and address any challenges and how to deal with them
- discuss the next goal (milestone) and the related action items
Note that it's important that we agree on each milestone and related action items so you don't get overwhelmed as your day-to-day work is important too.
- access to the recording of the session
- your list of action items
- the link to schedule the next session
That's it. This system works because everything is broken down into easy to manage (byte sized) sections. And, someone at a high-level is doing everything possible to keep you on track and ensure your success.